Wednesday, September 26, 2012


It only made it to 79* yesterday. And I stayed home just to revel in the coolness and freshness of life. After almost two months of unrelenting heat it looks like we are on our way back to wonderful, glorious Southern California weather. Probably a couple of short hot spells left--but that's OK.
I am so grateful. We take so many things in life for granted and forget that gratitude for each moment and everything that happens in our lives is the groundwork that we are laying for future moments. Everything works for good if we are open to the blessings. It sounds so easy, but the journey can be rough. But an attitude of gratefulness isn't that hard to put on--there is always something in life to be in awe of and grateful for--a child's first words, finishing a race, a heart-felt conversation with old friend or new acquaintance, rain, sun, compassion or joy. Even the gift of running water--when so many in the world do not have access to any form of clean water.


  1. Well said, Mary! I am grateful for so much. Once in a while I forget or take things for granted....but I am quickly reminded of how fortunate I am when I watch the news, read the papers, etc. Take care, L

  2. Thanks, Loi. I do forget to look up.....not a happy way to travel.
