I've commented on the fact that it has been very hard to acquire new merchandise. Almost impossible, without spending a lot more than we usually do....this week was a winner!
I spotted this sofa during preview and fell in love. The form, the carving, the size, the condition and the gorgeous cut (or voided) rust colored silk velvet. The velvet is most probably Italian in origin and of the highest quality--I would never have been able to afford this fabric if the sofa had been in need of reupholstery. There is a tiny bit of wear to the velvet, but it's just enough to make the fabric more interesting. The cushion is down-wrapped and super comfortable.
Here are a couple more shots--I grabbed the photos from the auction listing; so they are not the best quality.
The auction had advertised the sofa as French, but I believe that it is more probably Gustavian (Swedish, but I could be wrong). She was pricey, but not nearly as much as I was willing to pay... Roberto will pick her up on Tuesday and then the real work will start: how to rearrange everything to make her fit.
Here's my quick shot from preview--the color is some place between the two.
Next up: a pair of black lacquered Directoire-style bergeres in very hot pink corduroy dresses. These chairs bring visions of Miles Redd or Alessandra Branca to mind. They are super decorative and in near perfect condition.

Of course, there is something that we just can't pass on, even when the budget groans.........
This is a pair of Chinese copper rice barrels--they were marked garden seats--but their tops lift off; so although of garden seat form, they can actually serve a double purpose. There is a chop mark, which I cannot read. We aren't sure of their age; it's the patina that sucked us in.
Of course, there are always things we want, but didn't or couldn't step up to the plate. These amazing Seguso urns were a good example: I think that they are Karl Springer for Seguso, and there is a signature. But I can't read the signature and wasn't willing to pay over $1700 for the pair w/o knowing who designed them.
And last, but not least: update on new pups. The girls were not cat adapted; so it's been a two-month battle with gates up to separate the three cats from the two other beasties. The gates came down yesterday and everything is progressing--Bailey has only had one scratch to her nose and Roxie could care less. This shot is of Bailey completely fixated on the unseen Maggie.
Thanks for coming along with me---sending blessings.
How many more days til November 2?? About 90 and I'm ramping up my donation and petition-signing efforts. I truly believe that this is the most important election of our treasured Democracy. Please vote. Please motivate others to vote. Please give what you can--money or time--to return our nation to the rule of law.