Monday, August 12, 2013


In March I wrote a post about the Loving Tree in my back yard. I love this tree and anxiously await the appearance of new growth and leaflets (as in fledglings) each spring. I marvel at the miracle that occurs without my doing anything. And then, all hot summer long The Loving Tree gracefully shelters all of us from the hot Southern California sun--especially when the Santa Ana winds coming roaring in sucking up all of the moisture--The Loving Tree gives back the water she has been drinking.
Here are a couple of photos taken in March when The Loving Tree was just beginning to share her beauty

And here is a photo of Jones under the fully leafed tree

I know...(he's gorgeous, too). That's not a great photo as the back yard is really a lot larger and greener.......
Unfortunately, one of the large and heavy branches on the right side of The Loving Tree could no longer carry the weight of the beautiful shading leaves and came down one night right about where Jones is standing. Of course this meant that Ms. Love would have to be trimmed.....
The owner of the house took forever to schedule the trimming, and unfortunately she scheduled the trimming of Ms. Love the day that I was moving into The Collection (La Cienega). I waited and was even late for the movers hoping that I would have a chance to talk with the tree trimmers. They had already been instructed to ONLY TRIM MS. LOVE.........The owner was advised that I couldn't personally be at the house and that she needed to be there to supervise. ALL TO NO AVAIL.........  Ms. Love was violated? butchered? injured?   This is what I found when I returned, hot and exhausted.  And the tears flowed.

I took this photo this morning almost two weeks following the "incident". It has taken me this long to make peace with the assailants and forgive them. I didn't meet them, but that doesn't mean I haven't taken the assault on Ms. Love personally.
When I caught my breath after first glimpsing Ms. Love, I picked up the phone and screamed at the owner of the house (just like a person who has been reading and practicing The Tao and constructive silence for the past 6 years is disciplined to do). Then I went out to Ms. Love and cried and begged her to forgive her assailants and I told her how sorry I was for about 10 long minutes........
This morning, when I could finally photograph Ms. Love with her buzz cut, I realized that she is still strong, she's getting a (probably) much needed break from all of that heavy leafing and she is being prepped for many more years of life and giving and love.
Isn't that what happens to all of us? Aren't we pruned and stripped of the excess to make way for new blessings? The pain of the trimming and minimalizing of our lives is real. In those moments it is so hard to see the new growth that will come after the darkness and shame--(I think Ms. Love felt a bit of shame the first week) of no longer wearing the emblems of ego. With a little space I've been able to see that next year and the many more years to come will be stronger and healthier years for Ms. Love.
Next year the cats and Jones will, once again, have a shady loving place to rest.....just not this year.
And I guess that it is like that for me, too, in so much of life's adventures---trimming and silent growth first. And then the blessings of bursting creation.
Have a wonderful week...

My Mia's journey....the last surgery was very much more invasive than the first surgery. She was home for a few days last week--and beating all odds and expectations........neither her personality nor brain has suffered any noticeable effects. Mia's very strong will is pulling her through....she was laughing and playing with her sisters as if nothing had happened. Grace and Mia arrived at the University of Florida, Jacksonville last night and Mia starts two months of Proton Radiation Therapy today. I humbly ask for your prayers for Mia's sight and for the tumor to gently shrink up releasing Mia's optic nerve. All is possible with love.

Love Well.
Mary and Jones (& Cole)


  1. Dear Mary, you are so right to be upset at the Loving Trees "trim".
    It will grow new luxurious branches and foliage! The same thing happened when a male friend did this several years ago to a favorite plant. I was furiously as he calmly reasoned that it would soon look better than ever! Yes, and it did, however I still let the guy friend "go"!

    Prayer always for Mia and you family.

    Feature:Designer Barry Dixon

    1. Hi Karena,
      Thanks for checking!! Yes, peace comes with time.
      Sending love,
