Monday, January 27, 2014

I GOT NOTHIN'.......

Well, that's really not quite true. But it seems like it.
January 2014 is the month destined to resolve "stuff" from 2013......
About six months ago I had the head gasket replaced on my wonderful (am I attched to this vehicle is an unhealthy way?) Explorer. But he just never worked right afterwards--sometimes he'd over heat, sometimes, not. Finally, I took my boy to the dealership where I bought him (not where I had the head gasket replaced) and guess what?? It's still the HEAD GASKET.
I'm under waranty, but the repair takes about a week....yuck. Oh well, at least Ford washed my boy as a courtesy and he really needed it.
Also, about 6 months ago I entered into a relationship (which was supposed to be a partnership), but the "partner" turned into a PUMPKIN. Worst of all we had been friends for over 10 years---and then to turn into a PUMPKIN?????  But I'm taking this experience as simply an opportunity for me to recapture parts of me that I had given away in a previous business relationship--and best of all, I'm not even emotionally bent out of shape. And I promise--no more pumpkins, ever. (Pumpkins are in the "night shade" family, I'm allergic/highly sensitive to them.)
But the bottom line is that growth, no matter the benefits to be derived is costly and painful. I wish that growth could be accomplished some other way, but it seems as if we have to get to just the perfect tipping point before reaching the summits of mountains we've been climbing.....and then down hill looks like a piece of cake. AAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!
Change is the inevitable rythm of life--the more I resist, the more I suffer. And being stuck is not an option---so, bring it on!
Be well.
Mary & Jones & Cole


  1. Mary life really IS a never ending learning experience! It seems you have conquered much though and manage to stay in a state of grace. Thank you for your friendship and inspiration...
    The Arts by Karena

    1. Oh, thank you! I needed that this morning!! I'm definitely in transition on so many fronts....
      xoxox Mary
