Saturday, March 17, 2018

Can't think of a title??????

Well, it's another Friday night and I can't wait til November. Another Friday night and the Washington White House has given us another _____ show. I really didn't think mr. small t could get much worse, but he has. And I am deeply concerned. We have always been a nation based on the rule of law. The current administration continues to make a mockery of all of our cherished democratic institutions. Mr. small t is begging for impeachment--let's give him what he wants.


Now, on to other more important matters--nothing is more important than the above, but we can pretend.

I have been fighting pneumonia for the past month and I am sick of it. Thank goodness G is fully functioning and we've been able to buy some unique and beautifully items. But not many as prices have been extraordinarily high.
I love serendipitous occurrences and I have had a few this week and last. I have been selling quite a bit of furniture and lamps. Lamps for me are funny. I'm very fussy about my lamps: they must be chic; they must be functional; they must not need too much work (eats up profit); they need to be just a little bit different from the usual. And I buy them expensive hats (shades) which I sell separately from the lamps.
All of which means that my lamps go to very specific buyers (not easy sellers).
G and I bought the above lamps last week. They were marked "Chinese Export"--and no they are not Chinese. Here's a close up......

This is a gorgeous pair of "Longwy" majolica covered jars that have been electrified. The intense turquoise blue, the chrysanthemums, jeweled borders, reserves and excellent craftsmanship make this pair of lamps just what I look for......and they don't need anything but shades (perhaps rewiring, but that's minor). The jars have design elements of the Aesthetic Movement and Art Deco--so I'm dating them as 1920s. And they are quite big. 
And that is all that we managed to buy.....I really wanted this pair of Italian c.1960s pottery elephant tables/stools and I thought that we could get them for about $400

Boy!! Was I ever off my numbers: Gerry bid them to $1000 and they sold for $1400 + lot or $1620...being at home, I almost fell out of bed when G called to say what they had sold for..........
......This week at Preview guess what was back?? Yep, the elephants!!! The buyer did not pay his bill.... and we (G) bought them for $450 + lot. I have sold every elephant I could put my hands on this year and really needed these guys.
We sinfully coveted a pair of exquisite French carved Art Deco chairs

But it was not to be. These chairs are the best of what they are. I wish that I could name the creator, but I can't. Hopefully the chairs now are on their way back to France, which is where they should be.
I wanted this bistro table (even though the marble top was broken--fixable)........

.....too pricey for my blood (and darn, I needed it).
And G really really wanted this exquisite (I know I'm using that word a lot--but it seems to be the only one that applies) Japanese lacquer table cabinet.

Even the interior of the drawers are done in makie and the tiny handles on the doors are in the form of swans. The condition of the lacquer was exceptional --and condition is key in lacquer works of art. But it also sold for a very high $$$. I suppose if I had done my homework and contacted one of my New York buyers, we could have bought it. But there is always more stuff on the horizon.
I do need prayers to overcome this silly pneumonia... I'm one of the lucky ones: one friend acquired sepsis resulting from pneumonia, another friend was in the hospital for 7 days and another friend fought it for over two months. I need to be functional by Monday!!! So many projects are just sitting around whining at me.

Wishing everyone a great St. Patrick's Day tomorrow...I'm 95.5% Irish and we usually celebrate as a family, but I'm letting it slip this year.

Blessing to all---please pray for our nation to be delivered.

Mary & Jones & Cole

Oooooopppss. Forgot about the large vintage shell encrusted mirror that came home with the elephants.

This guy is big--maybe 48-50 inches in diameter.


  1. Sending you a miracle for a recovery of health...forget that traitor and his minions...they will be served justice as karma finds even those who dwell in darkness..,concentrate now and wholly on your own heaven on earth.

    1. OH! I needed to hear this. I do need to focus on getting healthy. Blessings to you--dear friend. xoxo Mary
